Individual Task 15


  1. pp or platform of choice: We have chosen the app called Mussila Música 

  2. Explain what it will be used for (what concept and how it will be explained): We Will be using this app to help kids practice and understand the concept of the musical note C ( Do in spanish)

  3.  Add sample screenshots of what has been created and link if allowed

  • Auditory and visual recognition of rhythmic formulas

  • Auditory and visual recognition of melodic fragments

  • Discrimination of musical instruments

  • Repetition of melodies on the keyboard, etc.

 without a doubt, will serve to review basic musical concepts of the musical language in addition to developing the ear and beginning to differentiate the timbres of musical instruments.

  • Explain how it was found on the web (words used to search): We found it searching for "musical apps to use in the classroom for kids"
